Tiếng Việt | English



Written by: Minh Phuc Nguyen
Published on: 30.03.2020

Recently 'Social Distancing' has been the most popular phrase in all sorts of social media. We are required to stay home, limiting time outside and keep a 2 m distance to another person we might meet on the street. These have been changed from suggestion to request in a very short time. This is to save lives!
We think that Covid 19 outbreak is changing our daily behavior, our thinking, our way of communication. We care much more for our society, we care much more for those around us, then for ourselves with more responsibility. Why? Because we have more time for our minds to be calm, more time to think thoroughly, and more time to invest into what we have been ignoring to be the most valuable thing in life: our breath, a true gift for our existence. We start to look at the meaning of life, question why Covid 19 has happened, and how it has become a world problem in such a short time. Each of us must have had an answer for ourselves. There then is a question of whether we have truly treasured every second of our life to lead us to this day of 'Social distancing'.
Surprisingly, if we are aware that 'Social Distancing' is totally a no stranger. Starting from the day we all had a mobile phone of ourselves, a 'wall' for each of us to post and play along, a virtual account for stalking others. We have spent too much time for a world that does not exist. We have changed our behavior, we have closed ourselves from reality, we have run away. We have forgotten to look up, to look around...to care. Our best friend has been a screen of touches. That has been the way we interact with the world. We have psychologically been distant ourselves from each other.
What is different? We have to keep distant from each other. However, this is a 'Distance of Care'. The distance that will save lives, that will show our responsibility to our family relatives, to our neighbors, to our local community, our country, and our Planet. The Distance that will bring peace back to us, that is not pushing us away from each other but pulling us closer as one. This is a powerful Distance. It is physical with intangible value. This time 'Social Distancing' will connect all of us together, will be time for those hand clapping for being grateful to those who are at the frontline of saving lives, for neighbors to get to know each other from balconies, and sing along the same song...for a better connection, communication and interaction. The Distance truly brings all countries together to fight for health peace. The Distance that will blur all boundaries, will clear all conflicts...This is the only way...now

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