What is Architecture? After those years of working in this field, I think Architecture is an Art of Connecting People. People will be connected through spaces, interior features, elements within those spaces. Each Architecture work should have a Heart. This Heart should be located from the beginning of the design process, should be defined through the Big Idea, through the story behind its Concept. So, where is the Heart?
Like a human body, the heart brings life to it. It is where generates activities across the body. In a project, or a Building, the Heart is where People interact the most or where bring their hearts' out. This is where people gather, exchanging experience, conversations to each other and informal meetings are placed or where can bring special emotion to People. This Heart will bring a soul to the project or a Building by the energy of each person using the space.
Locating the Heart. The design process will start with series of diagrams, sketches, physical models to test, to try and explore the project's potential. During this period of exploration, analysis diagrams will be created to study possibilities of spaces' relationships, circulation and orientations among those spaces. The process will form which space people want to experience the most or which space we want to bring people to the most. That is where the Heart lives. This will help the Design has profound meaning, and also help Clients understand values of the Design.
Everything has a reason to exist.
'Design for People'